Walt Disney Animation

The Studio: Walt Disney Animation Studios

This post will tell the story of how I figured out I was always meant to become an animator and how Disney has been part of that decision. I will focus on a one special moment in my life and then expand from that to talk about the artists at Disney and their inspiring work.
               Way back in 1996 when I was 5-years old my parents bought me a very own TV with an inside-built VHS player so that they could get their television back from me who couldn't stop watching my favourite videos. 

The Lion King (1994)

The original Finnish VHS cover of The Lion King - Leijonakuningas 

This masterpiece was the one video that I watched over and over again so many times I knew it by heart and still do. I used to even act some of  my favourite scenes again and again and rewind and act them again. At the time I was too young to think this film would literally show me the way to where I am today. 
                 During my first year in university I, however, wasn't quite sure whether I wanted to become a CG artist because I enjoy modelling and texturing as much as animation. I know it was time to make the decision though. I started looking back and recalling things from my past during my first Christmas holidays from university in order to decide and understand what I really want to do as an artist. 
              And then it hit me. Some people start playing music in very early age and become musicians, some  start drawing all the time like I did and end up as artists. This I had always known - I've always meant to be an artist but what kind of an artist I had no idea. During my foundation year I had done a bit of oil painting and a bit of sculpting, a bit of jewellery making and life-drawing some of which you can find from my portfolio). 
                When I started my studies at the University of Glamorgan I was introduced to CG animation and the art of CG modelling and I loved all of it which was great but also a burden because I wanted to find out which of these art forms was the one that I love the most. Not until I started thinking of what was the most memorable moment from my childhood was I able to realise it's been animation all along. 

To add to this Throwback Thursday: a collection of The Lion King figurines. 
The best toys in the world!

               I still remember the moment when I was holding the Lion King VHS case in my hands for the first time and couldn't wait to get home to watch it. In particular, I  remember the scene where Simba decides to take back what belongs to him, the Pride Rock. That shot, the wide angle shot of Simba running from right of the screen to the left with the close up of the run cycle layered on top, is the single most memorable art moment from my childhood that is been carved into my brain because I've watched and act it out so many times.
         That run cycle. I didn't know back then what made the shot so special but now it think it must have been the animation in the shot. A run cycle like that just demostrates the beauty of animation and the essense of animation. To make something move and live frame by frame. If you don't know the shot or cannot recall it here it is. I'm getting shivers as I'm thinking about it - shows how much it means to me.

The Artists: Ruben Aquino and Andreas Deja

Ruben was the supervising animator of adult Simba in The Lion King and that's why deserves a special mention in this post. I love his drawings and the ease of his line work. all his drawing look so natural and effortless and every line has that something that makes every drawing so interesting and encompassing. 

Andreas, on the other hand, was the animator who created Scar, one of the best animated villains of all time. I love how he has his very unique drawing style which really stands out yet fits in with 'Disney-style' animation. Especially with his Scar drawings the exaggeration of main poses is amazing and creates wonderful drama and also the facial expressions are so lively that I could stare at those drawings forever. Here is a video of his line tests for The Lion King.  

Stay tooned and never stop drawing!


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